SourcePoint Therapy®
Unravel unsupportive patterns that are blocking the experience of optimal health
Who are we if not the stories we tell ourselves?
Often we become deeply intertwined in our narratives of trauma, karma, emotional experience, ancestry, and belief systems. Yet these narratives can get in the way of living in alignment with our fundamental nature and our soul’s deep intention for being here.
SourcePoint Therapy® is an energy healing modality that potentiates the energetic blueprint of being a human. This blueprint, a sacred geometric framework, carries vital information about your soul’s expression. Working with energy and consciousness to bring healing requires a radical re-definition of self and of one’s place in the universe - and this is what SourcePoint Therapy® offers.
Together, let’s ground you in your fundamental nature so that unsupportive patterns can fall away - catalyzing a deep inner and outer transformation.
Sessions take place in-person, on a massage table, and fully clothed. Some light touch may be involved, but mostly the work takes place in the energetic layers around the body.
We will talk a bit before and after your session to see how the work can address your situation and anything pertinent that is revealed during the session. However, SourcePoint Therapy is most transformative when we aren’t setting a specific agenda for the body. Instead, we follow the innate intelligence of the body, what it wants to bring forward, and let optimal health emerge from the ground up.
Since everything first manifests in the more subtle, etheric levels of our being (before manifesting physically in our body or in our lives) - SourcePoint Therapy® can be supportive for anyone wanting to create change in their life, or enhance what they are already doing to support health (physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.) The effects can range from simply feeling more relaxed and grounded, to experiencing subtle to not so subtle shifts in their lives, in alignment with their soul.
I always recommend listening to what your inner guidance is calling you toward. For some people, they appreciate weekly sessions — for others, it’s monthly.
“An immediate sense of comfort and understanding”
There was an immediate sense of comfort and understanding talking with Carrie, and a genuine sense of care and concern. She would approach the challenges I was facing holistically, always going beyond the surface and incorporating solutions from multiple disciplines. Her authenticity and compassion guided me along the journey, and I will be forever grateful!
— Kim N
“Esoteric, wildly effective energy work”
Carrie’s genius lies in her deep knowledge and breadth of training, from straightforward yet powerful somatic practices to esoteric, wildly effective energy work. These, mixed with her abundant wisdom, compassion and humility, mean she’s destined to change the lives of those who can see and surrender to her powers of transformation.
— Matt P
“An immediate sense of comfort and understanding”
There was an immediate sense of comfort and understanding talking with Carrie, and a genuine sense of care and concern. She would approach the challenges I was facing holistically, always going beyond the surface and incorporating solutions from multiple disciplines. Her authenticity and compassion guided me along the journey, and I will be forever grateful!
— Kim N
“Esoteric, wildly effective energy work”
Carrie’s genius lies in her deep knowledge and breadth of training, from straightforward yet powerful somatic practices to esoteric, wildly effective energy work. These, mixed with her abundant wisdom, compassion and humility, mean she’s destined to change the lives of those who can see and surrender to her powers of transformation.
— Matt P
SourcePoint Session
In-person in Asheville, NC
60-75 min session
Exploratory Call
Book an exploratory call with Carrie to explore your needs and her offerings.